
Quizzes are published in various social media

... made available to you, here in one place
because they are part of a Teachable Moment

You are invited to share any of these to your favorite social media

#73 : Where do you stand on America

Here's an opportunity to see the more important issues on the 47 agenda.

Which items in Agenda_47 do you support

See a compendium of the achievements in the first week of 47

(See a more complete list)

When do you start calling it treason?

ABC NEWS Reports: Immigration and Customs Enforcement
agency has been unable to keep track of all unaccompanied
minors released from government custody.
Who let them in? Who turned them loose? (Factcheck)

Allowing illegals to enter the country is treason

Read More: Trafficking, Border Crisis

Top Ten Mistakes of the Biden Administration

Democrats made some seriously bad decisions in 2023.
The Washington Post presents a full article on this,
and Quiz has provided a synopsis of the Top Ten!

Democrats top ten bad mistakes against Americans

How much will this cost?

Democrats at the debats all raise their hands
in a pledge that they will support free health
insurance for illegal aliens!

Democrats vote for free healthcare for illegal aliens

Where are they going?

Stop and ask yourself ... if you're in the Tucson Airport
Federal agents are hustling illegal aliens out of the
port of entry customs area through a TSA door!

Illegal aliens arriving at Tucson Aurport

Are you really paying attention?

Stop and ask yourself some serious questions. What the hell is going on?
Do you really want these people to stay in control?

questions for the election

Project 2025?

Stop agonizing over what the media tells you. Look at their acts.

Look at results, not the people

"I don't like either candidate"

Stop agonizing over what the media tells you. Look at their acts.

Project 2025 doesn't exist

Who do you Raid?

The weaponized FBI raids anyone they don't like, pick one

Can you tell the difference between right and wrong

Which Hate to Protest

The Democrats have everyone hating someone... who do you hate?

Can you tell the difference between right and wrong

2024 is an election year! Do you understand the issues?

Can you tell the difference between right and wrong

How do you stop the Chinese

The Chinese are leaking into the U.S... how do you stop them?

The Chinese want to take over the world

What do you love most about Joe Biden's Presidency?

YOU elected Joe Biden, now select your favorite reason!

Why did you elect Joe Biden

What do you hate most about Donald Trump?

This is a Quiz for Trump haters, to select what they hate most.

What did you hate most about Trump


Name world leaders who attack their political opponents


What do you do when the water starts flooding in?


What do you do when you have a flat tire

#13 Common Sense when the roof leaks
#42 Who is MAGA?
#46 Can you detect racism?
#53 How well do you know the Border Crisis?/a>
#54 Identifying Democrat interference with elections
#55 Fact Checking Biden's "Red" Speech
#56 Do you Believe Biden's "Red Speech" claims?
#54 Are You A Democrat?
Understanding Democrat Election Claims
Can you Name one country that sends billions to America?
Quiz: Biden's spending plan
Which Schools do you wish to send your tax dollars to?
#37 Name a Legal U.S. Citizen who does not have an ID
#38 Common sense death solutions
#39 Are you proud of your election results?
#41 Quiz : How would you spend $53-billion tax dollars?
#43 Common Sense Election Mules
#44 Can you explain why you voted for an energy crisis?
#45 is making fuel more important than making food?
IQ : What's your Media IQ?
#40 How do you feel about 4000% inflation?
Common sense in a flood?
(repeat of #11)
Do you understand the current immigration crisis?
Quiz: Are you brainwashed by the media?
Can you identify operatives of the Deep State?
The original media brainwash quiz
Do you suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorder?
Twitter MEME to Tweet Deep State Quiz
The very first media brainwash meme

Crisis at the Southern Border Memes

Unexplained 2020 Election gone bad

What really happened on January 6?

Who is Above The Law? Are you still preaching that?

Take these Quizzes to establish were you are today

Here's how some online trolls try to control the narrative

Joe Biden said "My Job is to Protect Americans" -- What happened?

What would happen with a Harris/Biden ticket?

A troll dared us to show what President Trump accomplished

Joe Biden Brags About His Accomplishments, for HIM, not YOU!

SCRIBD: detailed insight into Trump's best work for Americans

(... or you can download the PDF)

We can make you believe anything we say as long as we say survey!

(or, as long as we say "Breaking News")

Learn more "Teachable Moments" on Medium or Teachable-Moment.com

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