Teachable Moments

CNN and the left keeps shouting banana while showing you an apple.

Harri Son

Since 1988, the tech news media has taught the world some valuable lessons that should never be forgotten. One hard and fast rule of intelligent, successful people is: Never publish an ad campaign that lies . .. especially when your audience knows you’re lying.

Over the past couple of years the left’s mouthpiece CNN has preached over and over again that a BANANA is an APPLE. They do it knowing very well that they are lying. Everyone knows a banana is NOT an apple.

One of the most egregious examples was CNN’s Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. It had been proven bogus, but CNN kept pounding away, over and over, all day every day, with no proof. They championed those deranged, bulging eyeballs of Adam Schiff rolling every night on prime time preaching that he had a banana and had proof that it was an apple.

With the new Biden administration, CNN has a whole carpetbag of apples they’re painting yellow . . . the “insurrection” gave way to the “COVID relief bill” and probably the worst of them all is the “Jim Crow 2” conspiracy theory. The lie of the decade though is the CNN conspiracy theory that women are not women. CNN disputes your biological sex

“biological sex,” a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students’ original birth certificates

While you know what’s actually going on, they continue to hammer away, telling us those apples are actually bananas.

Do you think CNN should follow their own lessons?

Never publish an ad campaign that lies . .. especially when your audience knows you’re lying.

When the Big Media like CNN tells you something, look between the lines. They may be telling you it’s an apple when it’s a banana.