Teachable Moments

Sudden Death : Why are they dropping dead, Who benefits?

Harri Son

Dramatic increase in Sudden Deaths

All over the Western world, we’re seeing large, measurable increases in unexplained, sudden deaths. The BBC says “excess deaths in 2022 are among the worst in 50 years.” Why is this happening?

Try using common sense, and deductive reasoning, the only real thing that changed

which would have a wide-spread impact were mass evacuation campaign and mandates. Excess deaths have been higher for the employed, and disabilities have been higher for the employed, according to records across 21 and 22. If it’s not the vaccine issue, what is it?

Who benefited most from C0VID?

Central banks benefited from a flood of money. The government printed unprecedented amounts of money to cover up and extend relief. The tech industry got super excited about the new cash flows of the coming surveillance economy, so they gladly entered into partnerships with the government to censor any dissent. Big Pharma was elated to win an ongoing cash cow of vaccines, boosters and spin-off remedies, free from recourse. Big media was elated at the new revenue streams from big government and big pharma promoting the vaccine campaigns. Anyone who is paying attention knows this is true and this is happening.

A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent.

Ed Dowd,

Founding Partner of Phinance Technologies ,  via an Interview with Tucker Carlson.


You need to read “Cause Unknown” : the epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021 2022 by Ed Dowd.

According to reliable sources, the man who kicked off the Reuters Fact Check is on the board of Pfizer!

Pharma companies sponsor the overwhelming majority of news broadcasts on national TV and Cable.

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI)

And you all know, all too well that the government-funded British Broadcasting Corporation created The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) This is a coalition of news medias plus Google, YouTube, Facebook, Meta, Microsoft, Twitter and others who

“pledged to work together to tackle harmful misinformation about C0vid-19 vaccines.”

See how this works against you!

… and Social Media fact-checking partnership with government  … Your Big Pharma News : Brought to you by Pfizer