Teachable Moments

Elizabeth Warren wrote: Here’s how we can break up Big Tech

Harri Son

break up big tech

It’s really ironic that Democrats like Elizabeth Warren, from time to time, actually do recognize the difference between right and wrongs. Yet the only time they admit it, is when it helps keep them in power.

Elizabeth Warren was sagacious when she wrote:

Twenty-five years ago, Facebook, Google, and Amazon didn’t exist. Now they are among the most valuable and well-known companies in the world. It’s a great story — but also one that highlights why the government must break up monopolies and promote competitive markets.

Today, Big Tech is actually helping Elizabeth’s party.  She wrote this article against Donald Trump.  Today, you don’t hear so much as a mention of going up against Big Tech.  Those in power know that Big Tech made BLM and Antifa a success. They know the January 6th story would be completely different without Big Tech and Big Media intervention.  Today, the Democrats don’t dare touch Big Tech. But Elizabeth was right! She saw the writing on the wall. Let that sink in.

This teachable moment shows you that no matter which political party is behind it, an evil problem is still an evil problem that needs to be fixed!

Facebook hides the truth